BrébeufHx 2022: challenges
Theme: Protecting Children's Rights
You will therefore have to make an application respecting the theme.
Evaluation criteria :
Technology (/15): of what is accomplished
Design ( /5): quality of the visual appearance of the project, development of the UX UI
Application examples
Website for UNICEF Brébeuf which only uses HTML/CSS (front-end only): website that explains what UNICEF Brébeuf is
Website for UNICEF Brébeuf which has a backend: website that explains what UNICEF is and has a login system that allows UNICEF organizers to write articles and publish them on the website.
Video game for children with frontend
Video game in Terminal (command prompt) without interface
Application to keep abreast of the situation of children in the world
Application for donations/petitions for children's rights
You can ask us through Discord to validate your project idea.
Challenges must be submitted by Saturday February 19 at 5:30 p.m. on Devpost ( via a GitHub link (mandatory).
You can submit a video of maximum 2 minutes that explains what you did.