livret de programmation
Une bonne préparation pour l'événement
Si vous voulez être en avance et vous préparer pour le prochain hackathon, nous vous conseillons vivement de lire ce livret qui vous donnera une vision large de la programmation et des différents outils que vous pourrez utiliser pour cela.
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Sinon, vous pouvez consulter la version anglaise ici, en ligne.
Welcome to the BrébeufHx programming guide! This catalog can be used to prepare you for the hackathon, but it can also be useful for learning or improving your programming, even if you were unable to attend the hackathon. To help you, we have included suggestions for each programming language, as well as what you need to do to improve yourself. Then we have integrated links that direct you to online resources that can help you. Furthermore, to make this guide easier to use, we have separated it into many parts which you can find in the table of contents. For each part, we have also listed the requirements that these types of programs have, the level of skills you need, as well as the materials that are required.