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BrébeufHx 2025: challenges


Beginner challenges will take place on our custom platform:

They are completed individually, but you can help each other out.

You will be free to choose from 2 programming languages to complete the challenges: Python or JavaScript. 

Prizes are given to each tier independently (e.g. you can be eligible for the prizes in tier 3 even if you didn't complete tier 1).

  • Tier 1: Draw for Antidote reusable bags (10 winners)

  • Tier 2: Draw for a subscription to NordVPN/Incogni/Saily/NordPass (2 winners)

  • Tier 3: Draw for Sony wireless earbuds (2 winners) + Antidote Personal (2 winners)


Submit before Saturday 2pm by following instructions on the platform.

We recommend that you consult the hacker booklet to have access to resources which will allow you to learn how to program.

If you have any questions regarding coding or the challenges, feel free to ask an organizer or a mentor!

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